Friday, 12 August 2011

Best friends

Every time I go into the paddock to get Tessa for our ride, I find Simon standing next to her. As far as, I know they are the closest pair of horses you will find in the paddock.

In the beginning, I would get dirty looks from Simon when I would come to get Tessa out of the paddock. He would stand there watching me with his ears back. Never taking his eyes off of me as I put the lead rope on her and walked her into the barn. Overtime, he has learned to accept me as his friend's other friend and I never get the dirty looks anymore. In fact, he doesn't look too disappointed to see me and accepts the nose rub that I offer him.

On a couple of occasions, Simon has followed us back to the barn and even into the barn. On one occasion in particular, the horses were out of the paddock and in the field grazing. Tessa and Simon were together at the far end of the field. I walked up to Tessa and said a hello to Simon. I proceeded to lead Tessa back to the barn. Simon followed us the whole way and into the barn. Luckily, another rider was in the barn to help me get Simon back into the paddock and the barn door shut.

There have been a few nights when I was very slow returning Tessa to the paddock after our ride where I could hear Simon calling after her in the paddock. When I opened the door he would be standing there waiting for her with a final neigh, informing me that I had kept her out too late.

Sometimes when Tessa and I are grazing after a ride between the riding ring and the paddock, Simon will come watch us. He recognizes my voice now and will perk his ears when I talk to him during Tessa's grazing.

I suspect that Tessa behaves similarly when it is Simon's turn to go for a ride but I haven't had the opportunity to witness it since I ride Tessa regularly. Maybe one day, I will experiment and take Simon out of the paddock.

These are two of the very best friends who have been lucky to find the other to share their lives in the paddock at Churchill Chimes. If only, we could all be as lucky as they are in our lives outside of the paddock.

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